Professional Education Standards

Written by CTI

September 2, 2022

These are talents educators and speakers continue to perfect throughout their career. They are not necessarily “born with” abilities, though some, like athletes and musicians will have a level of natural ability.

Leadership (Are they willing to follow and trust you)
1. How often do you use “we” versus “I”?
2. Have you built a team atmosphere in the classroom?
3. Do you display a thorough command of the material?
4. Do you lead by example (display a level of personal experience with the topics)?
5. Do you display a level of confidence?
6. In all circumstances in the classroom do you display a level of being calm and in charge of the material and situation?
7. Have you built a high level of trust with the attendees?
8. Do you display servant leadership (the focus is on the attendees and not your knowledge or background)?
9. Are you equipping or just teaching information?
10. Are you being an encourager?
11. Have you energized and motivated your students?

Command Presence (The verbal and non-verbal aspect)
1. Voice animation – different tones/energy levels (conviction, serious, excitement, forceful,)
2. Do you display excellent communication skills?
3. Command presence is the ability to resonate your voice with authority.
4. Command presence requires that your voice projects throughout the entire room.
5. Command presence is your ability to project your position as one of authority in a professional sense in the classroom. It is how you are perceived by the attendees.
6. Command presence is expressed as verbal and non-verbal communication in the classroom and is determined through your interactions with the attendees.
7. Command Presence includes your appearance, posture and personal presentation in how you walk, speak and the gestures you use.
8. Command Presence should always be a positive perception projected to those around you.
9. Command presence will mature over time. It is something speakers/educators can improve with training and mentoring.

Engaging (Have you caused learning to take place – become doers of the information)
1. Are you producing “doers” of just hearers of the information?
2. Are the attendees focusing their attention on your direction/management throughout the entire session/day?
3. Do students appear enthusiastic or tired and worn out at any time?
4. At the end of the session/class is there still a level of excitement in the attendees to continue learning and use the information?
5. Are the attendees asking and answering questions throughout the session/day (interaction)?
6. Are the attendees still sitting upright or slouching in their chairs near the end of the session?
7. Is the information communicated in such a way that makes it easy to understand?
8. Are you able to answer questions in a concise, accurate and understandable manner to the attendees?
9. Do you display creativity in teaching by providing a sense of anticipation using techniques such as “need to know” or personalization of the material?
10. Are the students able to use the information.

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