Beethoven Sonata No. 8 in C minor Op. 13 Pathétique Third movement: Rondo-Allegro Mr. Rotman is a renowned international concert pianist who has performed over 3200 concerts in 61 countries. Learn more about Sam at
Dr. Anthony Silvestro, CTI instructor and apologist, interviews Dr. Casey Butner, Senior Pastor Beulah Baptist Church, Winter Garden, FL, on the importance of equipping Christians in the church with CTI’s “Creation: Basic Training” course.
In this video section (Refuting Textbook Arguments for Evolution), Thomas Kindell, Ph.D., discusses why true, observable science refutes evolution. The complexity of a biological protein refutes evolution. The amount of formation in DNA and its complexity refutes...
Thomas Kindell, Ph.D. Philosophy of Theology, discusses how he became a creationist. He also presents some amazing creatures that testify to a Creator. Lampsilis Clam Swift bird Dragonfly Another great video with Thomas Kindell, Observable science refutes evolution...
Mike interviews Megan Eberhardt, a popular women’s Bible study leader. In this video Megan discusses the Gospel, the meaning of God’s Grace, and what is meant by sound doctrine. She also shows how, using a flower as an example, we can talk to someone about the roots...
Many have heard of the book by Charles Darwin titled: “The Origin of Species By Means of Natural Selection and the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life” But now the alternative book is out by Dr. Anthony Silvestro titled: “The Origin of Kinds by...