How well trained are your Sunday school teachers?

Written by Mike Riddle

Mike is the founder and president of Creation Training Initiative. He is an international speaker and teacher on biblical creation, apologetics, and Christian education. He has been involved in creation apologetics for over 40 years.

October 3, 2022

The number one issue effecting Sunday school is a lack of training for teachers.
Ken Brady (Manager of Lifeway’s adult Bible study curriculum for trainers)
“If you want to breathe life into your Sunday school, you must train the leaders.”
Bob Mayfield (Sunday School and adult discipleship specialist)
“The training of a church’s Sunday School and small group leaders is one of the five most important actions that are conducive to a church’s growth and spiritual health.”

Just having an advanced degree in a subject does not qualify someone to teach. What is needed is well-qualified Christians who have a biblical worldview, who display leadership, who know their subject and can cause learning by being learner focused (produce does of the Wd).
Creation Training Initiative offers a 1-day course that provides teachers the skills that will help them maximize the learning and retention of information.
If you want to enhance your Sunday school program plan to host the 1-day “Dynamics of Christian Education” course from CTI at your ch.

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